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Ended on

Jan 7, 2021, 8:37:00 PM

Sold to France

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Roxette’s father is Vagabond de la Pomme, Vagabond jumped at the highest level under the saddle of Penelope Leprevost. Her dam gave already two horses that jump very well in the young horse classes: the 7y old Nelson van Seven Oaks with Caroline de Laet and the 5y old Penelope van Seven Oaks with Daphne van Hende. Her second dam gave the 1.60m horse Etoile Chin van Seven Oaks. Further in the damline we can find the 1.65m horse Iron Man van de Padenborre, eleven 1.60m horses (Toronto van de Padenborre with Juan Carlos Garcia, Cevo Socrates with Edwina Tops-Alexander, Fox Trot van de Padenborre with Fabio Leivas da Costa, ..), four 1.50m horses (Wimpel van de Padenborre, Hero van Heiste,..) and thirteen 1.45m horses (Iza van Seven Oaks, Humberto ASK, Pin Chin, ..)


Date of birth 25-05-2017
Gender Mare
Color Black
Height 165 (S < 1m63 - M < 1m67 - L > 1m67)
VAT 21.00%



Vagabond de la Pomme
Vigo d'Arsouilles
Nabab de Reve
Illico d'Arsouilles
Sauterelle de la Pomme
For Pleasure
Narcotique de Muze
Helena van Seven Oaks
Capitol I
Vanessa VII
Rapide H
India vd Padenborre

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