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Sep 13, 2023

Nothing compares with the thrill and joy of welcoming our clients to a live event!

Hard work really paid off and we had a very entertaining night of top showjumpers, friends and family!

The highlight of the night was definitely Jerkhan de Talma, the stunning stallion by Conthargos, who was the auction topper and stays in Belgium!

The bids came from all over the world, as our online platform was live and available for all our clients abroad as well. More than 10 different countries joined the bidding. Belgium took the lead buying 10 horses, one which goes to a 5* rider, Denmark and USA 3, then Estonia, Germany, Brazil, Italy, Sweden, Poland, UK, Spain and the Netherlands.

We were really happy that all the horses had a nice live presentation and jumped fantastic.

Thanks again to all the owners and breeders that trust our HAB team to showcase their talented horses, and congratulations to all the new owners!

Now it’s time to look ahead as we plan our next ONLINE auction! Stay tuned!

Our selection days start on September 26 2023, so if you have a talented young show jumper, get in touch with our team!

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