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Mar 17, 2023

Another successful online Edition on Horse Auction Belgium has come to an end!

Underdog van 't Heike takes the ribbon for auction-topper and goes home to one of our trusted Dutch clients.

Dilara d'Oxerhoeve and Umana de Tiji found their new home in Poland. Together those were the 3 most expensive horses of the auction.

Germany takes the ribbon for the most buys : 4 horses:  Torino van de Korteweg, Funny Girl Z, Uno van het Castaneahof and The Lady RSH.

Pythachoras, Ulandra Juna and Lord Blue Z stay in Belgium.

Other horses go to: France, Switzerland, Italy, USA, Turkey, Spain, Mexico, Morocco and UK

We would like to finish by thanking all the owners and breeders for trusting us once more to showcase their talents on our global platform!

Congratulations to all the new owners!

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