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Feb 14, 2022

Definitely started 2022 with a Bang!!

As a team we couldn’t be happier with the results of this first online auction! The trust of the owners and breeders, our loyal customers and all the new ones, make each one of our events very special!

For this 2 day closing auction the average price was 23 800 €

Our top 3:

Conmar: 92 000€ Australia

Catch Me Z: 46 000€ Poland

Ristretto van de Heffinck: 38 000€ Norway

Germany bought most horses (five), then four to France, four to Poland and two to Hungary (first time we sell to Hungary), we also sold for the first time to: Iran , Luxembourg and Slovenia.

Some horses stay in Belgium , others go to Slovakia , UK and The Netherlands.

We will start selecting again for next auction, every TUESDAY starting January 18th: if you want to feature your young horse in our next event please contact us at:

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